Including: Cre recombinase, reporter gene, and Cas9-related mice
Strain Name:B6.129S-Albtm1.1(CreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-00002
Research Application:cre-mediated recombination system
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Albem1(Kozak-DreERT2-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Sperm cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200076
Research Application:Dre recombinase tool
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Albem1(IRES-iCre-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Developing | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200075
Research Application:Cre recombinase tool,Liver
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Alcamem(CreERT2-WPRE-pA)1Smoc
Strain State:Sperm cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-225053
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Amhr2em(IRES-2A-CreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-204995
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Anxa10em1(2A-CreERT2-Wpre-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200312
Research Application:These mice express tamoxifen induced cre recombinase from the Anxa10 locus. By mating the reporter mice with CreERT2-expressing mice, reporter gene expression can be detected in gastric mucosa epithelial cells after tamoxifen treatment. And the mice are useful for generating conditional mutations in gastric mucosa epithelial cells. This strain may useful for in the research of gastric carcinoma.
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Aplnrem1(2A-DreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-00132
Research Application:recombinase tool
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Aqp5em1(2A-CreERT2-Wpre-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200313
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Aqp5em1(iCre-WPRE-polyA)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200062
Research Application:Cre recombinase tool; Aquaporin 5 (AQP5) belongs to a family of water channel proteins that allow water to pass through the plasma membrane by osmosis. AQP5 is expressed in salivary gland and lung epithelial cells. When crossed with a reporter mice, reporter gene expression can be detected in Aqp5 positive cells. When crossed with a strain carrying a gene flanked by loxP sites, the flanked gene will be removed in cells expressing cre.
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Arcem1(CreERT2-SV40-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200101
Research Application:By mating the reporter mice with CreERT2-expressing mice, Arc positive cells derived from double-positive mice were permanently labeled by fluorescent protein after tamoxifen treatment. Arc, a immediate-early gene, encodes a novel cytoskeleton-associated protein that is enriched in neuronal dendrites.
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